Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Lecture Note Summary 6

-Immaterial Practice-

Episode One-What is design?

Design as..
+ Designis not just one way of thinking.
+ Design as applied creativity.
+Design as problem solving - like a chess game, think about many way of movement and then find the best
way among them.
+ Design as learning.
+ Design as evolution- procedure ro ge a successful generation.
+ Design as social process- Nowadays it is nearly impossible that single designer proceed a complicated
design project by himself.
- Good designer is a good negotiator
+ Design as a game- Design is a chellenge.
+Design as solving wicked problems.

+10 characteristics of wicked problems
1. No definite formulation of it.
2. No stopping rule.
3. Solution to wicked problems are not true or false, but better or worse.
4. No immediate and no ultimate test of a solution.
5. Every solution to a wicked problem is a "one-shot operation" because there is no opportunity to learn by
trial and error.
6. Wicked problems do not have an eenumerable set of potential solution.
7. It is essentially unique.
8. It can be considered to be a sympton of another problem.
9. The existence of a discrepancy representing a wicked problem can be explained in numerous ways.
10. The planner has no right to be wrong.

+ Design a mastery of expertise
0. Naive
1. Novice
2. Advanced Beginner
3. Competent Designer
4. Expert
5. Master
6. Visionary - Create New things/See the World in a different way/change the standard

+How not to design?
1. Always cling to your first idea.
2. Jump into the detail immediately.
3. Wait for inspiration
4. Ignore an aspect of the problem first.
5. Ignore any tests that suggest the design might not work.
6. First design the form, then sort out how the thing sould work.
7. Be inflexible about your idea and approach.
8. Do not plan because it takes too much time.
9. Try to surprise your tutor ans client with a finished design.

Episode 2- What is form?

- Scientific Realism
The world is governed by natural laws. according to which the objects of scientific study are natural kinds
- Grilles Deleuze
He thought of reality abd what is form related to the matter of reality, science and design.
- Actual structure change in extension when divided.
Intensive structure do not change when divided in extension and change in kind when "devided by
differences in intencity.

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